How Automated Property Management Saves Time & Money

Date Published : Oct-26-2018

Written By : Kim Brown

How Automated Property Managment Can Save You Time & Money

Automation is the driving force behind the future of property management. Automation streamlines processes to save time and money. This is making digital property management platforms, like Condo Control Central, a favourite amongst managers and board members alike.

How Does Automated Property Management Save Time & Money

Managing a condo building is no small feat. Automated platforms are designed to simplify and expedite the responsibilities of a property manager. Reducing manual tasks allows for more efficient management of operations, finances, conflicts, and more.
Here are some of the top ways to save time and money with automated building management:

Automation is Faster

A key component of automation is that it makes processes faster. Paperwork and lengthy manual tasks are reduced or eliminated. Less time dedicated to manual tasks means you can meet the needs of owners and residents sooner.
Condo management technology speeds up mundane and tedious tasks through automation. This makes managers more efficient and allows them time to focus on other tasks. In addition to speeding up tasks, automation also makes retrieving files and documents much faster.
Using automated property management software ensures that information is stored in an organized and consistent format. This means being able to immediately find and share important documents, files, and tracking information. Automation puts an end to countless hours of sorting through paperwork.
More efficient processes mean more tasks are accomplished in fewer man hours. This means automation saves both time & money.

Automation Improves Communication

Communication is one of the most important elements of condo property management. Miscommunications are the leading cause of complaints amongst residents and management. Automation streamlines processes for better accountability and communication.
Automated building management aids in coordinating tasks. It makes sure communications are clear and organized so everyone stays on the same page. When a resident requests maintenance, for example, the property manager is automatically alerted. They can place an order for maintenance and will be notified as the project progresses. This allows them to stay on top of tasks, so lost requests can be avoided and delays can be dealt with.
With everyone in the loop it means everyone attached to a project knows when they are needed and what for. This prevents delays, miscommunications, and unnecessary overlap.
Automated communication helps to build a positive condo community. Residents can receive automatic scheduling updates for news and events. As well important emails, news, notifications, and package information can be shared immediately. Tenants will never miss an important message.
Organized communication improves accountability and satisfaction. As a result, there are fewer complaints. Fewer complaints mean property managers can make better use of their time, focusing on moving tasks forward instead of on putting out fires.
Using automation for better communication means avoiding costly errors, improving time management, and enhancing condo quality of life. All of these factors save condos time & money.

Automation Simplifies Tasks

Manual tasks can result in unnecessary complications. This can lead to errors or difficulties in tracking and retrieving information. Automated property management software removes complications for simpler processes.
A good example of the benefits of automation is in condo security & concierge services. Incident reporting and tracking require a lot of paperwork. Through automation, reports can be filed digitally for easy distribution and organization. As well, notifications can be pushed immediately for any needed updates. Security logs are stored and updated automatically for easy retrieval with time and dates stamped.
Using automation makes condo management tasks simpler. This makes condo processes more accessible, efficient, and safer.

Automation is Easy to Adopt & Adapt to

One of the biggest fears in implementing new technology is that it won’t be used. Automation, by design, is more user-friendly. People adopt and adapt to automated software faster because it makes their lives easier.
Making it easier to submit and retrieve information, and facilitating better communication means your condo management platform will get more usage out of condo residents and staff. More usage means getting a better return on your investment.

Start Saving Time & Money With Your Condo Management Software

Automation makes your condo run more efficiently, saving time and money. Taking advantage of user-friendly condo management software prepares your building for the future while saving you money today. Learn how we can reduce property management costs with automation.

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