Making, tracking & collecting payments
Making, tracking and collecting payments
Remove roadblocks and allow payments to flow.

Cheques are not efficient or convenient
If your association is low on cash or late on payments, completing important maintenance jobs or keeping good relationships with valuable partners becomes tough. It’s easy to see why collecting monthly fees on time is as essential as paying bills when they are due, but any property manager knows someone will pay late.
More options, fewer late payments
Condo Control takes credit cards, debit, direct withdrawals, electronic funds transfers, or ACH payments. Online payments get to the association’s bank account more quickly, and there is less manual documentation required from you.
Accurate account balance details
Our accounts receivable solution can track these payments, and residents get an up-to-date view of their account balance. The margin for error is minimized when the AR system works collaboratively with the system taking the payments.
The fastest way to complete budget mailouts
Speaking of payments, the annual budget mailout can be completed in hours instead of days with details about updated monthly payments. You will be astounded at how much time you save on this traditionally tedious task.
Ensure vendors are paid on time
Pay vendors online using our accounts payable feature. Payments can be scheduled in batches, ensuring your suppliers are paid on time without disrupting cash flow.
Mitigate reputation risk
Mitigate reputation risk and rest easier knowing vendor compliance documents are always up to date. Approve, deny and delete vendors, and rate your favourite companies so you can find them quickly the next time you need them.
Our products for making, tracking and collecting payments
Give residents the option to pay online, pay vendors in less time, and create more financial transparency in your community. Manage finances with confidence using Condo Control.
Online payments
Use Condo Control with a payment processing platform so that residents can take care of fees online.
Vendor management
Approve invoices and pay vendors online so that your service providers receive their money on time.
Budget mailout
Send out custom condo fees to each owner all at once. Save money and time by completing this task online.