A trustworthy platform to sell and purchase goods and services
Upload images to complement classified ads
Quick search functionality to find relevant ads
Connect buyers and sellers in your building or neighbourhood
A win-win for residents looking for a good deal or a bit of extra cash.
Moderate ads
Review and approve all ads that are submitted through the classified ads feature. This reduces the chance of an unsolicited ad being posted in a public setting.
Encourage community engagement
Allowing residents to post classified ads promotes community engagement and sustainability. This encourages the resale and recycling of items, the rental of vacant car spaces to reduce street parking, and the offering of services like dog walking.
No need for other social networks
Why search on other social networks for products or services when you can find them in your own community? Buying and selling within the community reduces delivery logistics and potential damage caused by unfamiliar visitors.
Convenient access
Residents have convenient access to classified ads within the system, which can be viewed from their computers. There is no need to maintain an unsightly bulletin board in common areas for residents to gather around.
Time is money. Save both.
Discover our product
We've got tools as diverse as the needs of your community
We work better. Together.
Enhance your Condo Control experience with a variety of integrations with tools you use to run
your business. From everyday essentials to powerful pro workflows. View integrations