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Blog articles

The Corporate Transparency Act – should your association wait to file a report?

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) aims to help detect and combat money laundering and terrorist finance, facilitate tracking money that has been sourced through criminal or terrorist activity, and safeguard national security and the U.S. financial system. This act came into effect in January of 2024, and businesses that meet certain criteria are expected to […]

5 ways for high rise condominiums to save money in 2025

Densely populated high rise condominiums have always been budget conscious. With so many expenses, it’s not hard to overspend and exceed the annual budget. But this year is different. Reducing costs or finding new ways to generate revenue isn’t just a goal, it’s a necessity for many large condo communities. Costs for services, materials, and […]

Reserve fund requirements for Canadian condominiums and stratas

Florida has historically been considered an ideal state to purchase a winter home. Not only is it easy to get to, but condominium units were plentiful and very affordable. However, a recent law is making prospective buyers think twice about buying a condo unit in Florida.    Table of contents    The law (SB 4-D), […]

What to do when the demand for condo/HOA parking and storage is high

A limitation can be both a problem and a solution. Take paid condominium parking and storage as an example. Depending on laws and location, developers don’t always include a spot or storage space for every unit. The benefit of creating a finite number of underground parking spots and storage rooms is that condo units cost […]

Taking the pain out of issuing HOA parking permit renewals

Can you imagine spending 14 days issuing and renewing parking permits? It sounds like a lot of time, and it is, but if you work in a large HOA, you could easily spend hundreds of hours on this task…every year. Even if it only takes 5 minutes to review, approve, and respond to a renewal […]

Managing paid condo and HOA parking and storage

A new year presents opportunities for fresh starts and exciting goals. But January can be a heavy month too, especially if you help manage a large condominium or HOA community. January is often the time when residents renew leases for parking spots, boat and bike racks, and locker spaces. From a logistical standpoint, it makes […]

Condo Control wins winter 2025 G2 leader award

It’s a happy new year at Condo Control. We’re starting 2025 on a high note, and we have our amazing customers to thank for this exciting achievement!  Condo Control has been recognized as a Property Management Software Leader. This distinguished award was given to us by G2, a trusted peer-to-peer review platform, based on our sustained […]

How to lease recreational HOA amenities to owners

Would your HOA be happier if it increased its budget this year? If you said yes, you should know that this goal is more achievable than you think, especially if your community has an attractive collection of amenities available to owners.       Download our free garden plot rental template      Most associations have standard amenities […]

7 common reasons why HOAs get sued

Lawsuits are expensive, time-consuming and stressful. For these and other reasons, people should only seek help from a judge as a last resort. But, as most HOAs have experienced firsthand, some problems cannot be resolved independently. When an owner sues their homeowners association, boards should remain calm, work with their manager, and take proactive steps […]

How to increase the annual budget while making your condominium more bike friendly

Would you consider your condominium to be bike friendly? If you’re not a cyclist, you may have not given this question much thought before.      Download our free bike rack lease template      But bikes have become increasingly popular, especially in high-density areas. In fact, this trend is significant enough that some developers have prioritized […]

The ultimate guide to HOA paint colors: What you need to know

For a seemingly minor thing, paint has the potential to create a lot of conflict within an HOA community. Color is very personal, and homeowners (rightfully) have strong feelings about how their homes appear. The problem is that owners don’t have the freedom to choose their favorite colors if they live in a governed community. […]

Can HOAs restrict parking? What about vehicles?

If someone has strong feelings about HOAs, it’s usually because of the fees or the rules. Governed communities provide homeowners with numerous benefits, and homes often sell for more if they belong to an HOA. But the restrictions can create issues from time to time, which is why some people prefer not to live in […]

Property management trends: What to prepare for in 2025

Ready to build on the successes you’ve achieved in 2024? Most property management companies and professionals take a bit of time at the end of each year to prepare for new business strategies, goals and trends.    It’s understood that a lot will remain unchanged in 2025. While financial challenges persist, property management companies will […]

Bill 30 could make condo living easier in Alberta

Alberta has tabled legislation that aims to improve governance in condominium communities. Bill 30, the Service Alberta Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, would impact three different Acts: Developers and contractors would also benefit from this Act. Amendments would allow them to get paid in full sooner, and harmonize prompt payment rules and processes for public and private […]

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